Toxic Plants
It is a common misconception that goats can eat anything and everything. They do not have the stomach that they are perceived to have. In many cases goats are bought to help clean up unwanted weeds and grass, but it is important to remember that there are plants that are toxic to goats and may even be deadly. Before purchasing goats be sure to check your flower beds and surrounding areas for toxic plants where the goats may be grazing. If you think your goat has ingested a toxic plant please contact us as soon as possible. Some symptoms to look for are vomiting and lethargy. The size of the goat and the type and amount of toxic plant ingested can yield different prognoses.
We have provided a list below of plants to keep away from our goat friends.

Aconite | Elderberry | Milo | St. John's Wort |
Allspice | False Hellebore | Nightshade | Snakeberry |
Arrow Grass | False Jessamine | Oledander | Spurge |
Bagpod | Fume Worth | Oak | Sweet Shrub |
Baneberry | Goast Weed | Poison Darnel | Thorn Apple |
Black Locust | Ground Ivy | Poison Hemlock | Varebells |
Black Snake Root | Hellebore | Poison Rye Grass | Velvet Grass |
Bloodroot | Hemp | Purple Sesban | Wild Parsnip |
Blue Cohosh | Horse Nettle | Poke Weed | Wolfs-Bane |
Boxwood | Indian Hemp | Pine Trees | White Snakeroot |
Broomcarn | Indian Poke | Ponderosa Pine Needles | Wild Black Cherry |
Buckwheat | Inkberry | Pink Death | Wild Hydrangea |
Buckeye | Ivy | Rattleweed | White Cohosh |
Buttercups | Jimson Weed | Rock Poppy | Yellow Jessamine |
Celandine | Johnson Grass | Rhododendron | |
Cherry | Kafir | Rape | |
Choke Cherry | Klamath Weed | Rattlebox | |
Crow Poison | Lantana | Senecio | |
Clover | Larkspur | Spider Lily | |
Common poppy | Laurel | Spotted Cowbane | |
Corn Cockle | Leucothoe | Spotted Water Hemlock | |
Crotalaria | Lilly of the Valley | Stagger Grass | |
Cocklebur | Lobelia | Staggerweed | |
Coffee Weed | Lupines | Stevenbark | |
Dogbane | Maleberry | Stagger Bush | |
Crowfoot | Marijuana | Silver | |
Downy Broome Grass | Milkweed | Sudan Grass | |
Death Camas | Monkshood | Sneezewood | |
Dicentra | Moonseed | Sorghum |